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Advised Healthy Foods for the aged

Are you aware that there are certain foods you should be consuming more regularly as you grow older? Reason why this change is necessary is that, the body was designed in such a way that once you start growing older, your chances of developing certain infections and diseases increases.

So, in this article, we are going to have a look at some of the things you should start consuming more regularly as you grow older. Just sit tight and learn something new from this article while enjoying yourself.

What Are The Things You Should Start Consuming More Regularly?

1. Beans; this is one of the highly important things you should be eating more regularly as you grow older. Reason being that beans has been proven to reduce bad cholesterol and promote good cholesterol in the body. Additionally, eating beans has been linked to drastically reduced risk of having a very high blood sugar level. Thus it is a very good food for people suffering from diabetes.

However, it is important to note: beans, being protein, should be taken in calculated (not too much) measure as too much of it more than daily requirement would stress the liver. Also it should not be taken late in the evening.

2. Oats; a person’s risk of suffering heart related diseases multiplies as such a person grows older. This is because oats contain high dietary fiber which has been shown to reduce 5 – 10% of bad cholesterol which goes a long way to prevent heart related diseases and also to boost digestion of food. So taking oats should be a go-to for people who have grown older.

3. Consuming Yoghurts; this is another highly essential thing people who have gotten to the age of 50 and above should always consume. Reason being that yogurts would replenish or pump back protein to the body which is very necessary for the body of an older person.

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Source: Every Day Health

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