If you have knee or joint pain, you need to read this…
Get New Knees In 30 Days With This Double Action
Connecticut Doctor discovers delicious recipe to rebuild knees without surgery
From Dr. Ralph La Guardia’s desk:
I remember very clearly the day I broke my granddaughter’s heart.
Usually she would run to me, wrap her little arms around my legs, look up with that sweet face and say: “Play with me gampa?”I would always say “Yes! Let’s play!”
And she would put her precious little hand in mine and pull me down to the floor to play with her stuffies and dolls.
We would laugh and play on the floor for hours.
It was one of the great joys of my life.
But on this day I had to say ‘No, Gampa can’t play today’.

Her reaction cut me like a knife.

She looked up, tears welling in her eyes, and said “Whyyyy?”
I had to admit something that twisted the knife even further: “Gampa’s knees just hurt too bad, I’m sorry sweetie.”
She slowly walked away from me, disappointment all over her face.
It broke my heart.
But I just couldn’t do it anymore.Kneeling on the floor, getting up and down, chasing her around: it was all too painful
I never felt older and more decrepit than I did at that moment.
It felt like the end of a big part of my life.
I would become that boring old grandpa that sat in a chair and patted his grandkids on the head as they ran by.Eventually they’d just ignore me altogether.
But I just couldn’t stand the pain anymore.
Nothing helped – believe me I tried.
I am a medical doctor after all. Physician heal thyself, right?
NSAID drugs like ibuprofen would give me temporary relief, but I knew firsthand the damage they did.
I had patients that had kidney, heart, and digestive issues from years of taking those terrible little pain pills.
And the prescription drugs were worse!

They’re habit-forming and downright dangerous for your long-term health.
But all that changed when I got an email from a doctor friend in Florida.
A patient of his had completely rebuilt his knees in amatter of months without surgery.
He was using a strange mixture that contained two incredible, natural compounds.
One was banned for 83 years before the government finally came to its senses recently.
The other is so old it was gifted to Jesus Christ himself.
But I discovered that combining the two has a powerful effect on your body and especially your knees

They’ve been treating the symptoms and ignoring the root cause.
And the way they’ve been treating the symptoms has prevented your body from healing the root cause.
Those pills are making your knees worse in the long run.
That’s why your knees are probably ‘bone on bone’.
You’ve been treating the wrong kind of inflammation.
This new breakthrough soothes a certain type of inflammation that Big Pharma has ignored for decades.
It soothes the pain in your knees and joints AND boosts the body’s natural processes tonaturally repair the tissue in weeks.
Most people feel like they’re walking on new knees.
It’s like grease on a door hinge; your knees will bend smoothly and without pain after taking this double action formula.
I’ve been treating patients since 1979 and I have never seen the kind of recovery that this formula provides.

- “My knees hurt so bad and were swollen. I have only taken four of these so far but I really do feel a big difference already.”
— Stephanie D. White
- “Both my wife and I have noticed a mark decrease in joint pain. She has a bone-on-bone knee issue that is very painful and these are working beautifully.”
— Ron W.
- “II have little to no cartilage in both knees. I have been getting the orhovisk injections for almost 9 years in my left knee and five years in my right. Taking this product allows me to play golf without pain during and after!”
— Michael GirardiNow I’m back on the floor with my little granddaughter, happily having tea parties and hiding in closets while she counts in the other room.

I’m back to working out regularly, and I feel younger and more energetic than I have in a decade.And I’ve created a special formulation in a fun-to-eat candy for folks just like you that suffer every day.And I’ll even show you how you can get free bottles just for trying it during our initial trial period.
I know you’ve tried everything under the sun and been disappointed or scared of the consequences of taking it long term.
What works is dangerous and what’s safe doesn’t work, right?
This formula is effective, and I have the x-rays to prove it.
And it’s nonaddictive, legal, and completely safe.
And it’s so delicious you’ll have to stop yourself from eating the whole jar in one sitting.
It’s that good!
So if you’re staring down the barrel of knee replacement surgery, or swallowing handfuls of pills just to get through the day…
I beg you to to read every word on this page.
It’s critical that you understand why you’re in pain – and how this new solution could be a godsend for you.
You can get back to exercising, playing outdoors, and enjoying your kids and grandkids in short order.
First let me tell you why this breakthrough changed my life…
As I mentioned before, I’ve been a medical doctor and trying to help people get healthy for 37 years.
But I don’t run your typical medical practice.
I specialize in combining the technology of modern medicine with the wisdom of natural methods that have been used for centuries.
I do this for two reasons: I want what works now AND what is good for the long-term health of my patients.

I want to fix the root cause of my patients’ problems so that we’re not just masking symptoms with drugs.
It’s the only reason I became a doctor – not to become slave to an insurance company that tells me how long to spend with my patients.
And I’ve found that both western medicine and natural remedies can often work together to get the best results.Anyone who says natural remedies are quackery or that western medicine is out of touch is sorely misinformed in my humble opinion.
In this day and age, with all the serious diseases and ailments we’re dealing with, we need to use every tool at our disposal.
That means I am open-minded and willing to investigate anything that could help my patients.

And because of this open-mindedness and the results my patients get, I have lengthy waitlist for new patients.

I have a 4.5 star rating on HealthGrades.com
My other specialty is geriatric medicine, which is a fancy way of saying I help old folks feel younger and healthier.
I’m 66 years old, still work 5 days a week, and have a passion for helping people of age get the most out of their later years.
I also wrote The Bible Of Alternative Medicine and The Doomsday Book of Medicine so anyone in the world can use my groundbreaking methods.
I was supposed to be helping people with the exact problem I was suffering from…
But I just couldn’t figure it out.
I tried natural remedies, prescription drugs, even acupuncture.
Most things worked for a little while, but the nasty side effects set in and the benefits would eventually fade away.

Soon I’d be right back where I started.
And it was the same story with my patients.
They’d complain that they couldn’t exercise, do household chores, or even walk the dog without terrible pain in their knees.

And I’d send them off with a variety of concoctions, just hoping something would work.
And they’d be back in a few weeks complaining the pain was back.

I researched and found very few effective and budget-friendly solutions that could help people.
But after telling my granddaughter I couldn’t play with her anymore, I realized I couldn’t just give up that easy.
I had avoided it for years. I even warned patients against it.
Knee replacement surgery requires 3-4 months of rehabilitation and there’s no guarantee that the knee will ever feel normal.
Many patients just never feel comfortable with the new knee.
Plus there are so many complications that come with surgery: anesthesia, blood clots, infection.And there’s a shockingly high number of people that require ‘revision surgeries’ to clean up issues with the first surgery.
I personally know three people that had to have knee replacement replacements! The new knee just didn’t hold up.
And of course there’s the cost. You’re looking at spending at least $50,000 and if you need additional surgeries it will be far more.
Count yourself lucky if you have insurance that will cover all that.

But I was desperate, so I reached out to a physician friend in Florida.
He had done hundreds of knee replacements and he knew how to do it right.
I emailed him and explained what I was going through.
His reply changed my life and the life of my patients forever
He told me he was trying a new formula with his patients that was delaying and even in some cases removing the need for knee replacements.
I was stunned. An orthopedist recommending something that might take money right out of his pocket?
But that’s why I consider him a friend.
Like me he just wanted what was best for his patients.
He also realized that his knee surgeries were nearly bankrupting many of his clients, and he had some guilt about that.
So he decided to help people who couldn’t afford surgery with this formula. And he found many people who had knee replacements still needed help managing pain. This formula did that too.
He gave me the formula and told me he had a 3 month wait list for knee surgeries anyway, so why not try this while I waited.

Two ingredients in the right proportion for maximum results.
I thought it would be easy to get them and get started right away.
Once again, I was wrong.
One ingredient was still illegal in most states at the time.
Our short-sighted government classified it with psychoactive drugs, even though it wasn’t psychoactive.
The other was so obscure I had to go to 4 different natural health stores just to find it.
But I finally got it all together and started taking it.
taking it.

I started to notice I could get out of bed easier after the first day.
By day two walking was much easier.
After a long day on my feet at the clinic, I was used to being in terrible pain all evening.
That pain was fading away. I could go for an evening walk after dinner.
I was able to kneel down and tie my shoe, or pick something up off the floor without pain.
My granddaughter came over to visit.

She approached me carefully this time.
I could tell she didn’t want to be disappointed again. So I gave her a big smile, kneeled down and hugged her tight.
She looked up and said in that sweet voice “Play with me?”
And I said with a big belly laugh “YES!”
My daughter looked at me with shock and said “Are you sure?”
I beamed at her “Yep, now let’s play!”
We played for almost two hours, and my knees felt great afterward.
I even went on a long walk with my family and stood in the kitchen cooking and laughing it up with my family.
My knees felt great.
My wife joked that I must have gotten new knees while she wasn’t looking.
In a way, she was right.
I had found it, the solution to my knee problem.
But being a scientist at heart I just had to know:
I knew the two ingredients were powerful anti-inflammatories.
But I had been prescribing and using anti-inflammatories for years, why did THESE ingredients work better than all those others?It turns out we’ve been treating inflammation all wrong for decades.
Inflammation is a boogie man in medicine these days – and for good reason.
So much of the disease and age-related decline we experience can be traced back to inflammation.
But inflammation is complicated. It’s not just a switch that turns on and induces pain.


And the drugs and remedies I had been using and prescribing in the past only addressed one part.
See, when you use your knees and joints for years, you experience wear and tear.
The squishy material in your knees, called cartilage, starts breaking down.
This causes inflammation to set in.
Inflammation is supposed to be thefirst step to repair an injury!
It’s our bodies natural response to damage.
If you’ve ever twisted your ankle and watched it swell up, that’s inflammation setting in.
It sends extra blood and enzymes to the area to begin to repair tissue.
But inflammation is NOT good at repairing wear and tear in joints.

When the inflammation fades away, the body then releases more compounds that actually repair the damaged tissue.
But if the initial inflammation never fades away, the body never sends those compounds that repair the joint.(7)

Imagine if you saw someone collapse in the grocery store, clutching their heart.
You see another person approach them quickly and take command of the situation and start CPR.
You move on because you see that the first responder knows CPR, not realizing that they need your help to call 911.That’s what is happening with inflammation – and specifically steady, constant inflammation.
This ‘first responder’ inflammation are the enzymes that attack the damaged area.
The body thinks, “They’ve got it covered for now. We’ll send in the next phase to repair the area when they’re done.”
But the damage continues (you keep using those joints every day) and the inflammation enzymes just keep hammering away at your joints…
…never able to catch up to the damage you’re causing by just living your life.

Inflammation starts to break down the healthy tissue over time by releasing free radicals and increasing oxidation in your knees.
It attacks the cartilage in the knee joint, breaking it down until eventually you’ll be ‘bone on bone’.
OUCH!This starts a vicious cycle where the bodies own natural response is destroying tissue.
That’s why we often call steady inflammation an ‘autoimmune problem’, it means the body is attacking itself.
So, we must calm that first phase of inflammation in order to let the second repair phase actually fix the tissue in your aching knees.
That’s why we’ve been prescribing anti-inflammatories for decades.

But those meds are only attacking part of the inflammation.
See, first phase inflammation is made up mostly of several enzymes.
Over the counter anti-inflammatories are only good at reducing some of these enzymes in the blood…
And therefore only some of the inflammation.
But as we’ve seen, in order to truly get healthy knees, we need to reduce ALL of the inflammation!
You body will never repair the joint unless all of the inflammation is lowered.
Fortunately, that’s exactly what the first ingredient in this breakthrough formula does.
This compound has a bizarre story, and it all starts with the birth of Christ…
If you remember the birth of Christ you’ll recall that three wise men visited Jesus after his birth.You remember what they brought?
It was gold, frankincense and myrrh.
Frankincense was burned in religious ceremonies for centuries. In fact in English we just shortened the name to ‘incense’ after a while.
But its been used as medicine for centuries too.

In the medical world we call frankincense ‘boswellia’, because it comes from the boswellia tree.
And now we have scientific proof that boswellia is super effective for knee pain.
See unlike with NSAIDS and other pain drugs, boswellia lowers the levels of all inflammatory enzymes.
When you lower those levels, the body can finally kick in the second phase, which actually repairs the knee joint.

Dozens of studies prove this, but one in particular stands out.
They did a double blind placebo based trial, which means they gave half the folks sugar pills and half of them boswellia for a couple months.(1)
Then they did a huge battery of tests to see the effects of boswellia on the knee.

The patients pain and stiffness scores went down 68%

Their inflammation markers dropped at least 57%

The patients were able to walk 36% farther in the same amount of time

Quality of life scores went up 42%But most surprising of all were the x-rays.The researchers were shocked to see the drastic improvement in the knees of the testers.
Notice how the spacing is so much farther apart in the ‘afters’ on the right.
No the knee joint didn’t get wider, the body rebuilt the cartilage between the bones.

Would be super effective at relieving knee and joint pain

Help rebuild the knee joint for better long-term mobility

Be convenient and delicious so that I enjoyed taking itSee, I’m sick of taking pills.
Between my various supplements and prescriptions, I take about 24 pills a day.
I knew there was a better way, but it took me months of research and testing to find the right recipe.
I tried 29 different formulas before I found the perfect ratio of ingredients.
And I gave the formula to my patients too, dozens of them in the first month.
They LOVED it. They raved about not only the taste, but the feeling having ‘new knees’.
Now I have ‘lost cause’ patients lining up to see me and try this formula too.
These are people that are on the cusp of surgery and have tried everything to avoid it.
This formula is transforming their lives too, and they are saving tens of thousands of dollars and months of pain and rehab.
Credit: Dr. Ralph La Guardia, MD