• May 10, 2022
  • Ogugua
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Super Gro®: The Miracle Wonder Formula for Improved Yield

GNLD Super Gro® is a miracle wonder formula that increases harvest for crops, trees, and fish farmers. It is very easy to use plus it is safe to handle, non-toxic, non-caustic & non-flammable. Super Gro® can be used for all kinds of agricultural crops and trees;

VEGETABLES; Ugu, Spinach, Cabbage, Carrots, Okro, etc. ROOT CROPS & TUBERS; Yam, Cassava, Cocoyam, etc. FRUITS; Pineapple, Mangoes, Oranges, Pawpaw, etc. GRAINS; Beans, Rice, Maize, Soyabeans, Groundnut, etc. Super Gro® may also be used to improve the quality in; FISH FARMING; Catfish, etc. Super Gro®  improves crop yield by as much as 167%.   Vice President President of the Federal Republic of NIGERIA, Yemi Osinbajo

How Does GNLD Super Gro® Work?

GNLD’s Super Gro® acts as both an adjuvant and a surfactant. On one hand, an adjuvant is an agent designed to aid in substances’ action. On the other hand, surfactants are wetting agents. It may seem contradictory, but water does not always “wet” plants and their roots very well. Thus, often it tends to beat up on the waxy surfaces of plants, lawns and gardens, and before water even has a chance to penetrate, it runs off or evaporates.

GNLD Super Gro® helps make water “wetter” by reducing its surface tension in addition to acting as a wetting agent. GNLD’s Super Gro® helps conserve water. It tends to increase the rate at which water penetrates common soils. As a surfactant, GNLD Super Gro® acts as an emulsifier to disperse oils, as a wetting agent to lower surface tension and as a dispersing agent to reduce adhesion between particles of chemicals, so they will spread and remain in solution longer. More water reaches the roots of the plant and stays there making the plant grow in lesser time! GNLD Super Gro®  makes other agricultural treatments a farmer uses (like fertiliser, insecticides and pesticides), perform better by helping them penetrate deeper, stick better, stay longer and work more effectively.


Please note that an average American football field approximately about 1.3 acres and a British or UEFA Football field is approximately about 1.7 acres. So local football fields in Nigeria may vary approximately from 1 to 2 acres of land. Also, 1 teaspoon is approximately equal to 5ml and 1 tablespoon is approximately equal to 15ml. How To Use GNLD Super Gro®.

For Crops Vegetables, (peppers, onions, yam, cocoyam, soya beans, groundnut, etc.)  Add 1ml of Super Gro® to 1 liter of water. Agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem of the plant. Apply every week, two weeks, three weeks or monthly before flowering. Add 20ml of Super Gro® to 20 litres of water to spray 1/4 acre of land.

Add 200ml of Super Gro® to 250 litres of water to spray 1 hectare of land.

Other Things To Note. After spraying crops with Super Gro®, you may see white dots on the plant early in the morning. Do not touch it or worry about it. It attaches solar energy to the plant. Plant your crops in ridges to have a narrow site to walk and spray. After the first spray, spray again with Super Gro® every 3 weeks. If you use chemicals to weed your farm, allow the effect of the chemical to wear out first before applying Super Gro® i.e. apply Super Gro® after four days of using weeding chemicals. If you weed manually with cutlass, pack your weeds and use Super Gro® the next day.


How To Use Super Gro®  For Tree & Cash Crops (Mango, orange, oil palm, kolanut, pineapple, rubber, cocoa, etc.)

Add 1ml of Super Gro® to 1litre of water. Agitate gently and spray on the leaves and stem of the plant. Apply every week, two weeks, three weeks or monthly before flowering. Add 20ml of Super Gro® to 20 litres of water to spray 1/4 acre of the lawn.

Add 200ml of Super Gro® to 250 litres of water to spray 1 hectare of the lawn. 

Other Things To Note:- For tree crops, a boom sprayer is the best for applying Super Gro®. The pressure from a boom sprayer gets more Super Gro® onto the crop. If you do not have a boom sprayer, use spray can.

CONTACT- EMEKA (Dexterity Health Portal, https://dhp.ddxterityportal.com)->0812 547 5936, 0701 708 5533