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Your Teeth: What to know about dental hygiene

What is good oral hygiene?

A good oral hygiene and practice starts with thoroughly brushing twice a day and floss daily between the teeth to remove dental plaque. Visit your dentist at least once a year, even if you have no natural teeth or have dentures.

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What is the importance of dentition?

Why Are the Mouth and Teeth Important? Every time we smile, frown, talk, or eat, we use our mouths and teeth. Our mouths and teeth let us make different facial expressions, form words, eat, drink, and begin the process of digestion. The mouth is essential for speech.

Why is oral hygiene important? Oral hygiene is preventative care. This means you can stop oral health problems — such as cavities, gum disease, bad breath (halitosis) and other issues — before they start by taking good care of your teeth and gums. Oral health is also linked to whole-body health.

How do you clean inside teeth?

Hold your toothbrush on your teeth at a 45-degree angle to your gums. Move your toothbrush back and forth in short, gentle strokes the same width as each of your teeth. Brush all the outside surfaces, inside surfaces, and chewing surfaces of your teeth, and don’t forget your tongue.

Types of dental and oral diseases

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